12-13 July 2004
Hosted by the Socialist Party, PS, of Senegal, the Socialist International Africa Committee convened in Dakar on 12-13 July 2004.
Ousmane Tanor Dieng, Leader of the PS and Chair of the Committee, Luis Ayala, Secretary General of the Socialist International, and Jacques Baudin, on behalf of the host party, addressed the gathering at the opening session which, along with delegations from 24 member parties of the International, was also attended by 200 specially invited guests from the Senegalese political spectrum including the leaders of the parties which make up the ‘Cadre Permanent de la Concertation de l’Opposition’, CPC, the alliance of parties in the opposition which includes the PS of Senegal.
‘Democracy and electoral processes’, ‘Good governance and economic development’ and ‘Conflicts in Africa : the case of Cote d’Ivoire’ formed the basis of the Committee’s discussions, and were initiated with specially prepared introductions.
Following a rich and fruitful debate, the participants adopted the Declaration of Dakar summarising the Committee’s agreements and recommendations on the main themes, discussed and approved Resolution on the Crisis in Côte d'Ivoire and another highlighting the plight of arrested Senegalese journalist Madiambal Diagne.
List of participants
Other activities
Meeting of the SI Africa Committee in Luanda, Angola
12-13 December 2017
Socialist International focuses on Africa at meeting in Accra, Ghana
07-08 October 2016
Meeting of the SI Africa Committee, Bamako, Mali
10-11 April 2015
Meeting of the SI Africa Committee, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
28-29 March 2014
Supporting peace, democracy and solidarity in the Sahel
17-18 March 2013
SI Africa Committee meets in Praia
30-31 July 2012
Meeting of the Committee in Windhoek, Namibia
29-30 July 2011
From a time of crisis to a new era of inclusive partnership: SI Africa Committee meets in Dakar
19-20 June 2009
The SI Africa Committee meets in Abidjan
14-15 June 2008
SI Economic Committee meeting in Buenos Aires
09 November 2007
SI Committee on the Economy, Social Cohesion and the Environment focuses on economies in transition
09-10 September 2007
GHANA MEETING of the SI Africa Committee
15-16 June 2007
Meeting of the SI Africa Committee, Praia, Cape Verde
20-21 October 2006
SOCIALIST PRIORITIES in Africa at the SI meeting in Niger
24-25 April 2006
Socialist International reaffirms its solidarity with Africa at the WORLD SOCIAL FORUM in Bamako, Mali
21 January 2006
Socialist International meets in Hong Kong on eve of WTO Conference
12 December 2005
SI Economic Committee met on the African continent at UN OFFICE IN NAIROBI
08-09 April 2005
Benin meeting of the Socialist International Africa Committee
15-16 September 2003
Socialist International Mission to the Great Lakes Region
18-23 February 2003
Socialist International meeting in Côte d'Ivoire supports cease-fire, constitutional order and democracy
18 October 2002
First meeting of the SI in Angola
26-27 July 2002
Meeting of the SI Africa Committee, Niamey, Niger
01-02 June 2001
Meeting of the Socialist International Working Group on the World Trade Organisation, Maputo, Mozambique
11 November 2000
Meeting of the Socialist International Africa Committee, Praia, Cape Verde
30-31 October 2000
Meeting of the Socialist International Africa Committee, Yaoundé, Cameroon
30 June-01 July 2000
Meeting of the Socialist International Africa Committee, Maputo, Mozambique
03-04 September 1999
Meeting of the Socialist International Africa Committee, Bamako, Mali
29-30 March 1999
Meeting of the Socialist International Africa Committee, Dakar, Senegal
25-26 July 1997
If you are looking for an earlier meeting, please consult the LIBRARY section.