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SANTIAGO COUNCIL - Governance, energy and climate change, new horizons for peace

06-07 November 2006



Monday 6 November

Morning Session

From National to Global Governance: Priorities for a Sustainable Future

Ricardo Lagos
, former President of the Republic of Chile

Deniz Baykal, SI Vice-President, Leader of the Republican People's Party, CHP, Turkey

Trinidad Jiménez, Secretary of State for Ibero-America, Spanish Socialist Workers' Party, PSOE

Nouzha Chekrouni, Minister for Moroccans Abroad, Socialist Union of Popular Forces, USFP

Camilo Escalona, President of the Socialist Party of Chile, PSCH

Afternoon Session

Roberta Lajous, International Secretary of the Institutional Revolutionary Party, PRI, Mexico

José Miguel Insulza, Secretary General of the Organisation of American States, OAS

Pia Locatelli, President of Socialist International Women, SIW

Amalia García, Governor of the State of Zacatecas, Party of Democratic Revolution, PRD, Mexico

Christoph Zöpel, Social Democratic Party of Germany, SPD

Ousmane Tanor Dieng, SI Vice-President, First Secretary of the Socialist Party, PS, of Senegal

Jaime Paz Zamora, MIR-New Majority, former President of the Republic of Bolivia

Petra Bayr, Womens' Department of the Social Democratic Party of Austria

José Lello, International Secretary, Socialist Party, PS, Portugal

Obed Bapela, House Chair for International Relations, African National Congress, ANC, South Africa

Victor Antonio Bolívar, President of Democratic Action, Venezuela

Raja Pervez Ashraf, Member of the National Assembly, Pakistan People's Party, PPP

Monday 6 November

Afternoon Session

Energy and Climate Change: A Call to Action

Sergio Bitar, President of the Party for Democracy, PPD, Chile

Elio Di Rupo, SI Vice-President, Leader of the Socialist Party of Belgium and President of the Wallonie Region

Rolando Araya, SI Vice-President, National Liberation Party, PLN, Costa Rica

Jeltje van Nieuwenhoven, SI Vice-President, Labour Party, PvdA, Netherlands

Tuesday 7 November

Morning Session

Luciano Astudillo, Member of Parliament, Swedish Social Democratic Party, SAP

Chris Carter, Minister for Conservation, New Zealand Labour Party, NZLP

Zita Gurmai, Member of European Parliament, President of the Party of European Socialists Women, Hungarian Socialist Party, MSzP

Rene Castro, International Secretary, National Liberation Party, PLN, Costa Rica

Ricardo Nuñez, Senator, SI Vice-President, Socialist Party of Chile, PSCH

Ramon Alburquerque, President of the Dominican Revolutionary Party, PRD, Dominican Republic

Vitaliy Shybko, Chair of the Foreign Relations Commission in the Ukrainian Parliament, Socialist Party of Ukraine, SPU

Victor Bostinaru, International Secretary, Social Democratic Party, PSD, Romania

Tuesday 7 November

Morning Session

New Horizons for Peace: Promoting Solutions to Conflicts

Bruce George,
Member of Parliament, The Labour Party, Great Britain

Patricio Morales, Radical Social Democratic Party, PRSD, Chile

Piero Fassino, National Secretary of the Democrats of the Left, DS, Italy, Chair of the SI Middle East Committee

Ahmed Sobboh, Deputy Minister for Foreign Relations of the Palestinian Authority, Fatah

Isabel Allende, Member of Parliament, Socialist Party of Chile, PSCH

Doureid Mohamad Yaghi, Vice-President of the Progressive Socialist Party, PSP, Lebanon

Mirjana Feric-Vac, SIW Vice-President, Social Democratic Party, SDP, Croatia

Serge Gilles, Leader of the Union of Haitian Social Democrats

Horacio Serpa, SI Vice-President, Liberal Partido of Colombia, PLC

Jacques Baudin, Socialist Party, PS, of Senegal

Takuya Kawai, Social Democratic Party, SDP, Japan