Bureau meeting, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 23-24 November 2001
The women and girls of Afghanistan have suffered twenty years of war and the constant violation of human rights. Yet they have not been completely silenced. Women’s organisations such as the Revolutionary Association of Afghan Women (RAWA), Humanitarian Aid for the Women and Children of Afghanistan (HAWCA) and others have worked hard and have resisted the Taliban regime. Their courage and tenacity deserve public recognition.
Socialist International Women, which has long denounced the systematic violation of the human rights of Afghan women, now demands of all international organisations and member parties of the Socialist International:
We urge that the international community’s plans for humanitarian aid should have as their declared objective to help women first and foremost, thus helping to compensate them for all the oppression and discrimination they have suffered.
No plan for the future of Afghanistan nor any political agreement is acceptable without the full participation of women.