Socialist International Committee for South Eastern Europe
29 May 2010
The Socialist International Committee for South Eastern Europe, meeting in Tirana to discuss the state of democracy, strengthening and developing fair institutions and consolidating the rule of law in the countries of the region, and paying special attention to the deep political and institutional crisis in Albania:
- The position expressed by the Socialist International from the outset of the crisis on the need to reassert Albanian democracy and find responses to the demands of the Socialist Party of Albania (SPA) and its political allies for full transparency through the recognition and investigation of the electoral violations and irregularities reported in relation to the elections of 28 June of last year.
- Its call for the Albanian authorities to allow a full and thorough parliamentary inquiry to look into the issues raised, including those with regard to election materials and ballot paper boxes.
- That the deadlock in Albanian politics is damaging to the citizens of the country, and threatens important efforts to integrate Albania more fully into the European Union, such as the process of visa liberalisation.
- The bold and responsible steps taken by the SPA, to offer the compromises necessary to break that deadlock, including their re-entering of Parliament on 25 May.
- That a lack of transparency and oversight in the electoral process has been a major contributing factor to the deterioration of the political situation to such a level, and that without the resolution of these issues, future elections will be tainted by the same failures experienced on 28 June 2009 and their consequences.
- That Albania needs legitimate and strong political institutions, and efficient, inclusive government within a clear and transparent framework in order to be in a position to respond effectively to the financial crisis and the challenges of EU integration.
- The increasing commitment of the international community, the European Parliament and the European Commission in assisting with the resolution of this crisis, by encouraging a working compromise and underlining the responsibilities of both sides in this undertaking.
- That strong regional cooperation between countries and parties of South Eastern Europe is a prerequisite for a successful outcome of European integration, which offers to Albanians and the other citizens of South Eastern Europe new opportunities for the development of civil societies, the rule of law and economic and social progress.
- That the forthcoming EU-Balkans Summit in Sarajevo on 2 June offers a new opportunity for the EU and the countries of South Eastern Europe, and for the reaffirmation of the commitment of the EU to the accession of the Western Balkan countries.
- The responsibility of the International and its member parties to express solidarity and work together to defend our mutual principles and advance our common objectives.
- To reiterate the support of the Socialist International and the members of the Committee to the Socialist Party of Albania and its allied parties in their current efforts, including the necessary observation of the different phases of the preparation and holding of future elections, guaranteeing their transparency and fairness.
- That reforms in Albania are essential for a system to guarantee the fundamental pillars of democracy, including transparency of election administration, accountability of executive and legislative power, freedom and independence of the judiciary and the media and equal rights and opportunities for citizens, businesses and NGOs.
- To advance regional cooperation, both within the framework of the Committee, and by making a commitment to offer the same level of support to any member party which finds itself in a similar situation to that which is faced by the SPA today.
- To remain engaged in supporting the search for a solution to the current crisis in Albania, by mobilising both our movement and different actors in the international community until a satisfactory conclusion is reached.
Other activities
SI LEADERS in Belgrade and Pristina for discussions on Kosovo Status
20-21 March 2007
SI Consultations on the future of Kosovo
30 November 2005
Socialist International Balkan Leaders' Meeting, Tirana, 5 September 2003
05 September 2003
Meeting of the SI Committee for Central and Eastern Europe, SICEE, Sofia
14-15 June 2003
Meeting of the Socialist International Committee for Central and Eastern Europe, Ljubljana, Slovenia
12-13 July 2002
Meeting of the Socialist International Committee for Central and Eastern Europe, Belgrade,
17-18 September 2001
Meeting of the Socialist International Committee for Central and Eastern Europe, Zagreb, Croatia
06-07 October 2000
Meeting of the Socialist International Committee for Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw, Poland
17-18 September 1999
Meeting of the Socialist International Committee for Central and Eastern Europe, Rome, Italy
17 April 1999
Meeting of the Socialist International Committee for Central and Eastern Europe, Bucharest
05-06 February 1999
Meeting of the Socialist International Committee for Central and Eastern Europe, Sarajevo
04-05 May 1998
Meeting of the Socialist International Committee for Central and Eastern Europe, Rome, Italy
27-28 June 1997
If you are looking for an earlier meeting, please consult the LIBRARY section.