23-24 November 2009
Original: French
The Socialist International recognises the work of its Commission for a Sustainable World Society and stresses the importance of the report From a high carbon economy to a low carbon society.
The International highlights the inequality of populations faced with climate change. It is the poorest people who are most liable to suffer from its consequences and at the same time, are the least able to adapt to climate change.
The International recognises the coherence that exists between the struggle for a sustainable use of the planet and social struggles.
The International calls for an international agreement between all parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) next December in Copenhagen.
Taking into account the present state of the negotiations, the International believes that a minimum basis for an agreement should be reached regarding the objectives of an absolute reduction for developed countries, the objectives relating to the main developing countries, a contribution for a rapid financing and a formula for the financing of mitigation and adaptation under a future regime.
The International maintains that the principles of common and differentiated responsibility and respective capacity must guide the future international agreement.
The International considers that for the developing countries, and those with rich biodiversity, it is fundamental to consider policies of reforestation and preservation of forests within the internationally recognised strategies to combat the carbon emissions.
The International is committed everywhere where its members are in government or in opposition, to present concrete and ambitious proposals to contribute to the fight against climate change.
The International will make every effort so that the transition towards a sustainable low-carbon society be socially fair and equal.
The International recalls its commitment to sustainable development, in which the economy, social factors and the environment combine to generate an economic growth which is both respectful of the environment and socially liberating.
The International recognises the many environmental, economic, social and cultural services that biodiversity offers to the community and to the individual.
In the framework of the 2010 year of Biodiversity decreed by the UN, the International will examine in depth what types of actions can be undertaken to fight against the loss of biodiversity.