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SI Asia-Pacific Committee

Strengthening democracy and pursuing sustainable and fair economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region

07-08 October 2011


The Mongolian People’s Party (MPP), established on 1 March 1921, led the National Democratic Revolution of 1921 and laid the foundation for Mongolia’s development by establishing the country’s first People’s Government, strengthening the nation’s independence by defending it from external aggression in 1939 and 1945. The Mongolian People’s Party has been the political force in the building of today’s Mongolia, securing the country’s full membership in the United Nations; organising the Virgin Land Programme; directing the construction of new cities and towns; initiating nationwide development and reconstruction efforts; and developing the country’s capacity in areas such as education, culture, health, national arts, sport.

The MPP is also the party which embraced the democratic reforms in the 1990s and oversaw the country’s transition into a true democracy. Moreover, the MPP, as a major force behind the democratic reforms throughout the difficult period of transition, has led the overall economic and social change in Mongolia, and is ready to take on new challenges.

The Mongolian People’s Party has had the capacity to innovate and learn from its past, its drawbacks and its achievements. Based on organisational values and principles, the Mongolian People’s Party has drawn its lessons from 20 years of democratic change and transformation, and has formulated and adopted its development objectives for the next 20 years.

The MPP’s 26th Congress, held in November 2010, could be defined in terms of its agenda as pro-reform for the party as well as pro-development for the country. At this congress, the original name of the Mongolian People’s Party was restored, and a renewed declaration made that “The Mongolian People’s Party is a centre-left social democratic party that pursues and upholds the independence, freedom, justice, solidarity and the core national interests of Mongolia.” 

The Mongolian People’s Party, which has been a consistent follower of the ideals and principles of social democracy, became an observer member of the Socialist International (SI) at its XXI Congress in Paris, France in 1999, and gained full membership at the XXII SI Congress in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Since then, the Mongolian People’s Party has actively participated in all activities and proceedings of the Socialist International, becoming a role-model in promoting our common values of freedom, justice and solidarity in the Asian continent.

The Socialist International is fully confident that the Mongolian People’s Party, as a respected and experienced political force, will be able to achieve new successes in furthering the country’s progress through equitable development and inclusive growth, as well as in contributing to the noble cause of promoting and strengthening peace, security, sustainable development and democracy in the region.


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