St Petersburg Seminar, SI Commission for a Sustainable World Society, 14-15 July 2008
Meeting of the SI Commission on Inequality, Brussels, 3-4 June 2016
Europe, the Caucasus and Black Sea
The Americas the Caribbean
Middle East and Arab World
An SI meeting during the 139th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Geneva was held on Monday 15 October 2018, providing a platform for parliamentarians from SI member parties attending the Assembly to exchange views on issues figuring on the agenda of this assembly of the IPU and to share information both on their national situations and on issues of particular concern... Read more
The SI held its meeting of parliamentarians from SI member parties in the context of the 138th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, IPU, which on this occasion took place in Geneva from 24 to 28 March. The meeting, which was attended by parliamentarians from all continents, offered the opportunity for participants to exchange views on some of the key issues on the agenda of the IPU Assembly and to discuss particular concerns of a national or international nature, with other colleagues from the social democratic family... Read more
The 137th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) was held in St. Petersburg, Russia, from 14 to 18 October 2017. The inaugural session included an address by the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, along with outgoing IPU President, Saber Chaudhury and the heads of both the Council of the Federation and the State Duma of Russia... Read more
On the occasion of the 136th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, from 1 to 5 April 2017, the Socialist International held a meeting of parliamentarians attending the Assembly from our global political family... Read more
The Socialist International meeting at the 135th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in Geneva, Switzerland, was held on Monday 24 October 2016. The meeting was chaired by the SI Secretary General and included the participation of parliamentarians from SI parties in Angola, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Dominican Republic, Finland, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Hungary, Iraq, Italy, Lesotho, Mali, Mongolia, Nicaragua, Niger, Palestine, Portugal, South Africa, Turkey, Venezuela, and as a guest, from Djibouti... Read more
The SI held a meeting of parliamentarians from its member parties on the occasion of the 134th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, IPU, which took place in Lusaka, Zambia, from the 19th to the 23rd of March 2016. Participants, attending from all continents, also included a number of Speakers and Deputy Speakers of Parliament and Leaders of Parliamentary Groups from our political family.... Read more
During the 133rd Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) held in Geneva from 18 to 21 October, the Socialist International held its regular meeting of parliamentarians belonging to SI member parties to exchange views on the main issues on the agenda of the IPU, and to share information on developments within their own countries... Read more
On the occasion of the 132nd Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) held in Hanoi from 28 March to 1 April 2015, the Socialist International organised a meeting, as it has at previous IPU Assemblies, of parliamentarians from SI member parties. The discussions included an overview of current international developments of common concern, reports from members on issues of interest to their national delegation and an exchange of views on the main themes of the IPU agenda... Read more
In connection with the 129th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) organised in Geneva, Switzerland, from 7 to 9 October 2013, the Socialist International held its regular meeting of parliamentarians from the SI political family on 8 October. The meeting was attended by parliamentarians from Angola, Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Dominican Republic, Finland, Ghana, Greece, Haiti, Ireland, Mauritius, Morocco, Nicaragua, Niger, Panama, Pakistan, Portugal, San Marino, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Timor Leste, Turkey, United Kingdom, Venezuela, Zambia, and by a representative from the Global Fund... Read more