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Meetings of the SI Presidium and Heads of State and Government,
United Nations, New York



Meeting of the SI Presidium and Heads of State & Government, United Nations, New York


The annual meeting of the SI Presidium in conjunction with the high-level segment of the United Nations General Assembly took place on 21 September in New York, the eighth such occasion since 2008. The agenda of the meeting focused on the role of the social democratic movement in promoting collective action to confront prevailing challenges to security, democracy and sustainability in different parts of the world and the outcome of the UNGA high-level debate on the crisis of refugees and migrants... Read more



Meeting of the SI Presidium and Heads of State and Government, United Nations, New York

25 September 2014


On the occasion of the 69th session of the United Nations General Assembly, members of the Presidium of the Socialist International and Heads of State and Government gathered for a meeting on 25 September 2014 at the UN headquarters. The main themes of the discussions were the contribution of our movement to peace and international security in face of today’s open conflicts; our agenda on equality in the global economy and the establishment of an SI Commission on this theme; and defining a way forward to secure the 2015 global agreements on climate change... Read more



6th annual meeting of the SI Presidium and Heads of State and Government, United Nations, New York

26 September 2013


Members of the SI Presidium, heads of state and government from SI member parties, heads of UN agencies and international organisations and a number of foreign ministers gathered at the United Nations headquarters in New York on the 26th September for the 6th annual meeting in conjunction with the UN General Assembly. The main themes of the meeting were the latest developments in the struggles to gain new democracies in the world, as in Syria and Egypt, with a particular focus on peace, security and human rights; and the social democratic commitment to end poverty and to equality, incorporating our contribution to the post-2015 Development Agenda... Read more


SI Presidium meeting at United Nations during the UNGA debates

26 September 2012


This year’s annual meeting of SI Presidium members at the United Nations in connection with the General Assembly debates was held at the UN Headquarters in New York on Wednesday 26 September. Members of the new Presidium, having been elected only a few weeks before at the XXIV SI Congress held in South Africa, were of the opinion in Cape Town that this initiative implemented in recent years should be maintained despite the short time frame on this occasion, given the opportunity which these meetings have provided both to have a bearing on the main issues of the global agenda being addressed at the United Nations, and for direct exchanges with other SI members in government present in New York at the same time... Read more


SI Presidium at the UN: For a common strategy out of the crisis

23 September 2011


The fourth annual meeting of the Presidium and Heads of State and Government from the  Socialist International family took place at the United Nations Headquarters on Friday 23 September, in conjunction with the general debate of the United Nations General Assembly. The agenda for the meeting included discussions on the current impact and consequences of the global financial crisis, the contribution of social democracy to combating racism and intolerance and how to ensure the success of the COP17 Summit in South Africa... Read more


Socialist International leaders reiterate commitment to MDGs at annual meeting in New York

20 September 2010


On 20 September the Socialist International held the annual meeting of its Presidium with the participation of Heads of State and Government at the United Nations Headquarters. Taking place in connection with the Millennium Development Goals Summit, discussions centred upon the contribution of the global social democratic movement to the achievement of the MDGs, the outlook on the global economy, prospects for the forthcoming COP16 meeting in Cancún and the current negotiations for peace in the Middle East... Read more


SI Presidium: The way forward on climate change and tackling the financial crisis

23 September 2009

Holding its second yearly meeting in conjunction with the opening of the general debate of the General Assembly at the United Nations, the Presidium of the Socialist International, together with a number of Heads of State and Government, Heads of international institutions, and the members of the SI Commission for a Sustainable World Society and the SI Commission on Global Financial Issues, met at the United Nations Headquarters in New York on September 23 to address two of the major issues on the international agenda today: Climate Change and The Global Financial Crisis... Read more


Socialist International leaders address global financial crisis in meeting at United Nations

26 September 2008

Tackling the global financial crisis was the central concern at the Socialist International Presidium meeting, which counted with the participation of a number of Heads of State and Government and Heads of United Nations agencies,  held at the United Nations headquarters in New York on 26 September on the occasion of the 63rd session of the UN General Assembly... Read more