On the eve of the NATO Summit in Istanbul assembling Heads of State and Government from North America and Europe, the Socialist International Committee on Peace, Democracy and Human Rights convened in that city on Friday 25 and Saturday 26 June, hosted by the Republican People’s Party, CHP, of Turkey, whose leader, Deniz Baykal, is a vice-president of the SI.
The meeting focused on strategies to strengthen peace and democracy internationally, addressing key areas of current concern including the situation regarding Iraq, the Middle East, the struggle against terrorism, the role of international institutions in promoting peace, democracy and human rights and on issues on the agenda of the NATO Summit.
Piero Fassino (DS, Italy), elected Chair of the committee at the last SI Council meeting in Madrid, chaired the proceedings which counted with the participation of representatives from some 25 member parties and organisations. List of Participants
A Declaration of Istanbul, reflecting the discussions, and approved by the delegates, was issued at the conclusion of the meeting.
If you are looking for an earlier meeting, please consult the LIBRARY section.