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Latin America and the Caribbean

MEETING IN LIMA of the SI Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean

06-07 May 2005


Original: Spanish

The Socialist International Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean, meeting in Lima on 6-7 May 2005, reaffirms its commitment to fight to ensure that in each on e of our countries social democracy is strengthened, and that there is full democracy with a system of participation for all.

Taking governance as a concept closely linked to social justice; to the strengthening of democracy; to the inclusion of the poor, young and women; to the creation of employment with dignity and with a respect for the environment, considering sustainable development as a fundamental axis of our proposals, we reaffirm our will to build a Latin America and Caribbean in solidarity and with a fundamental role in constructing a global society with basic human rights.

Regionally, we reaffirm the pressing need to integrate our peoples, in the strengthening of party systems; our horizon is the building of a political community and collective negotiation of integration treaties beyond the commercial model, considering that these treaties are not viable if they do not include the social, cultural and political aspects on their agenda, and above all, if they do not guarantee policies which will protect the most underprivileged sectors.

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