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Abolishing the death penalty
  The Socialist International is committed to assuming all necessary political initiatives in order to take on again and to relaunch, within the United Nations, the European Union resolution which provides for a moratori...
SI Council meeting in Santiago

26-27 November 1991

  Click here for article, SI Council Santiago, Socialist Affairs (PDF)  

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Abolishing the death penalty
  The Socialist International is committed to assuming all necessary political initiatives in order to take on again and to relaunch, within the United Nations, the European Union resolution which provides for a moratori...
XXII Congress of the Socialist International, São Paulo

27-29 October 2003

--> The Socialist International's XXII Congress took place on 27, 28, 29 October in São Paulo, Brazil, under the heading 'The Return of Politics: For just and responsible global governance - For globalisation governed by the people...