SI Committees

21-22 July 2006

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EAST-WEST MIGRATION discussed at Socialist International meeting in Chisinau

21-22 July 2006


The Socialist International Committee on Migrations, meeting on 21-22 July in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova:

1. Considering that international migration is a complex phenomenon which is rooted in human history and is closely associated with social and economic aspirations of the individual;

2. Recognising that the process of transition from authoritarianism to democracy driven only by policies that privileged the market without social responsibility contributed to large movements of people within and from Eastern Europe, calling for new approaches to this issue;

3. Noting that variations in the labour market in countries concerned, have led to the outflow of migrants from the region;

4. Aware that international migration, particularly irregular migration, has increasingly become a major economic, social, humanitarian, political and security concern for a number of countries in Eastern Europe;

5. Acknowledging that interaction with key social actors, such as NGOs and other civil society organisations, enriches immigration policies and programmes;


• to invite governments to reinvigorate their efforts aimed at achieving the Millennium Development Goals, thus contributing to the elimination of conditions that force people to migrate, such as poverty, unemployment, conflicts and lack of democracy; and calls for inititatives to strengthen the capacity of response of international multilateral institutions to migration;

• to regard migration, particularly illegal migration, in a comprehensive and balanced manner, considering its causes, manifestations and effects, both positive and negative, in the countries of origin, transit and destination;

• to encourage the countries of origin, transit and destination to strengthen their channels of dialogue at appropriate levels, with a view to exchanging information and promoting cooperation for resolving the problem of illegal migration and trafficking in human beings;

• to make greater efforts in raising the awareness at all levels, including through public information campaigns, of the adverse effects of migrant trafficking and related abuse, and of available assistance to victims;

• to propose to the concerned countries, in accordance with their national laws and procedures, to enhance regional cooperation with a view to protect and respect the rights of migrants and their social integration;

The Committee thanked the host parties and the Moldovan non governmental organisations who contributed to the discussions on the migration issue in this part of Europe and joined them in their call for the application of more humane and efficient procedures in regard to the status of Moldovan migrants.

The Committee agrees to continue its efforts to encourage governments, non-governmental organisations, the private sector and civil society to join in a collective regional effort to alleviate the adverse effects of illegal migration and to prevent and combat trafficking of human beings, especially women and children.

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